Your stress…is your choice

“A start-up puts you on an emotional roller coaster, unlike anything you have ever experienced”

Marc Andreessen - legendary tech investor

“All stress is a choice”

Sadhguru - yogi mystic

If you want the mental freedom to switch off & boost available headspace read below…

If you want to remain overwhelmed & stressed AF do NOT read below.

The movie isn’t real

We have 40,000 – 60,000 thoughts per day. 80% are worries. 90% the same as the day before.

Only 2% come true

Which means that 98% of your thoughts...are negative hallucinations! A scary movie playing in your mind. Imagine if you could enjoy the movie. All its thrills and scares

Smile at how you perceive a monster in the cupboard. There is a 2% chance that the monster is there, but a 98% chance it isn’t!

It’s not your fault if you don’t know how to do this. No one teaches you. The key is build your Awareness and stay in The Groove

Your Awareness is not part of your Mind…it is the 3rd part of you:



(of your thoughts and emotions)

Reactivity is bad

Here’s the problem...

We react to the movie in our mind as if it IS real. Burning our energy, upsetting ourselves and those around us

This crowds out creativity, peace of mind and - most importantly - your ability to focus on the 2% of your thoughts that ARE real

And it wears you down

But there is a better way. The way of Awareness. To choose to switch off the movie. Like any new skill it takes ongoing practice, and a peer group around you

or subscribe to The Weekly Mental

You own the ability to respond.

There is a stimulus

The bad news, the sarcastic comment, the offensive tweet

Then there is your response

You have the power to choose what happens next. Indeed you have the responsibility - to yourself, your business, your family. The response ability. The power. The ability to respond.

Act, don’t react

Slow it. Observe it. Let it go. Then act.
Work on your Awareness

“Forces beyond your control can take away everything you possess except one thing, your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation

Viktor Frankl, Auschwitz survivor

Feel the fear, then F it off

Chronic stress = Bad!

Being a founder is stress on steroids.

Stress all the time, never switching off.

This is chronic stress. And it’s bad for you.

We’re not designed to be in a constant state of danger, alert, hyper-vigilance.

Over time this will:

  • F your immune system

  • F your relationships

  • F your sleep

  • F your attention

  • F your business

Build Awareness

You have the ability to respond to stressful situations in a way that is not stressed. That is calm, centred, strong

This is much easier said than done.

In Founders Are Mental we will coach you on simple tools that will help you to act, not react.

To systematically find peace of mind, and keep it.

To enjoy mental freedom day after day after day.

Optimise fear

John Lydon of The Sex Pistols sang: “anger is an energy”

Negative emotions - like fear - can be turned into fuel

The energy you need to break through to future you.

You need the tools and the tribe around you to make this happen. So join The FAM!

Learn simple ways to optimise your fear. Ways to turn it into fuel. Fast.

“Being an entrepreneur is a rewarding, challenging and at times can be a lonely process. The FAM helped me find my tribe and people to share the journey with

“Through the program I discovered the value of reflecting on my experiences - to find new insights and strength”

Ian Tabberer

Book a call

Schedule to speak direct to Dan - our founder - to understand more, see if we are a good fit plus learn a simple tool to help build your Awareness

Join The FAM!

Knowing what to do - and the benefits it brings - is great. But sticking to it - like any practice - is easier amongst others that ‘get it’ and will hold you accountable

Stay in The Groove

Learn ways to get peace of mind, and switch off systematically in only a few hours a month - from your own office

or subscribe to The Weekly Mental

Coming soon: The Book

It took me 22 years, 2 exits (and 2 burnouts) to learn how to be a founder without so much drama. A unique method.

I call it The Groove

The upshot? You can turn your stress into a conscious choice

You just need to update your mental software with a new operating system. A technology to create more mental freedom. To switch, or switch off, the scary movie in your mind...

The No Stress Operating System

My mission is for every founder in the world to avoid the dark side of success. The side the business influencers do not share. The side that nearly broke me.

This book will give you fresh algorithms:
better switch off
approach problems with peace
use fear as fuel

Giving you the gift of mental freedom, the ability to quickly switch - unleash new headspace, creativity and energy. Allowing you to focus on what matters, at work and at home.


Your brain is running software - which is glitching and stressing - because it needs an update!

Upgrade your brain with a simple and effective new operating system - custom designed for ambitious tech entrepreneurs

The No Stress Operating System

AKA The Groove - the patterns and habits you are running

You have to update your laptop on an ongoing basis, to make sure it runs better and doesn’t get bugs. Why not do the same for your brain?!
